My grandma used to tell me that I would get worms if I ate cake or cookie batter. I guess because of the raw egg in it. But now that we have excellent over the counter products like Pepto and Imodium, why shouldn't I let Spencer lick the cake batter bowl?
MMMmmmmm. Butter cupcakes with whipped chocolate frosting. They might not be the "prettiest" cupcakes but friends, neighbors and family line up when I make these!
I love to bake and as part of helping Spencer with math, I am encouraging him to help me with the measurements: cups, teaspoons, oven temp and even setting the kitchen timer. He hasn't gotten the hang of doubling fractions yet (ex. 3/4 cup + 3/4 cup) but then again, my Mom still doesn't either; she just measures 3/4 twice!
Oh man, could you ship one of those up to me?
i was told we would get the shits....LMAO! i think i was more scared by that then if she would have said worms....yummy cakes
those look GOOD!
I was never told any such thing...but I'm not sure that would have stopped me from licking the beaters!! lol!!
I still like the beaters myself LOL I am like your mom I just measure twice too.
LOL I've never heard of getting wormes this way before :-P come on baking wouldn't be baking if the kids couldn't lick the beaters or scrape the bowl now would it!!!
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