Yes it was cold and rainy- but no it wasn't bad at all. Long sleeves and a rain jacket was pretty much all we needed while outdoors!
We saw whales, bears, moose, sea lions, otters, Husky dogs, glaciers and probably several other things I can't remember right now.
We visited Vancouver, Ketchikan, Sitka, Skagway, Juneau, Whittier and Anchorage.
The cruise itself was FABULOUS. Cruising through the inside passage with all the ice, glaciers, whales and mountain views was amazing!
* Click on any of the collages to make the photos larger *
I squished lots of pics in here because it was so hard to choose just a couple from all that I took!
Let's start with some pictures from the dining room. About 15 people have already asked, but yes, Spencer did order AND EAT two lobsters at dinner the first formal night. That kid is such a little foodie--he ordered off the adult menu every night.

Speaking of dinner, for the most part we all did whatever we wanted during the day and then met up for dinner each night. It was so much fun!

The views were amazing! No matter where we were, what excursion we were on or what method of transportation we were in (plane, ship, bus, train, tram, trolley, tender, catamaran, duck, taxi, shuttle, etc.) every window and every view was spectacular!

Spencer's favorite excursion was the Gold Panning. I think my Dad enjoyed it, too!

Everyone agreed that the best excursion was the whale watching! We saw several whales--even a group of 13 of them in a "bubble net feeding" one of which even jumped out the water breach-style and I was lucky enough to be on the back of the catamaran and had my camera ready!

We also visited a raptor center for rehabilitated birds. Ironically, the boys knew raptors meant birds of prey, Lucy was the only one looking for dinos--haha!

We also walked to the State Park and somehow made a 13 mile hike out of the 2.5 mile totem pole hiking trail. UGHHH!!! (But the boys LOVED it!)

The boys also LOVED visiting a musher camp. The sled dogs are huskies but not like the ones in the "snow buddies" movies--the boys were surprised. Our tour included a coach ride through the Yukon territory and then a train ride back to the ship. It was incredible!

Another one of our excursions included a salmon bake. None of us liked the salmon--way too "cat food" smelling/tasting for us. Even Spencer didn't eat it and that kid eats everything. This excursion had a nice hike to a waterfall as well. Notice, even in the cold, I opted for an icy Alaskan Amber over coffee!

We also had a couple of days at sea filled with fun on ship, afternoon teas as we rode through the glaciers, hot nights in the casino (I actually came out ahead this trip!) and general goofing off. Very relaxing!

Okay-- so that's a taste of the trip. Don't think that reading this blog post exempts you from suffering through my soon as I can get it done!