We started January 2006 with several rounds of antibiotics and infections. Poor kiddo-- he has become an expert on the flavors CVS can add to his medicines--blech! Good thing he keeps a happy attitude! Fortunately, we have had a mild winter and I think that has helped keep him from getting really sick. But the little nitwit prays for snow just about every night. Nana and Boppa gave him a snowsuit and snow boots for Christmas and he wants to play in the snow SO badly. We really haven't had snow since he was about two so he doesn't remember it. Last year at the beach, he made "snow angels" in the sand and pretended that he had snow. For his sake, I kind of wish we would get a couple of inches (no ice!) just for a day so that he could made a snowman, a snow angel, and throw some snow balls. I, of course, really need some snow pictures for my scrapbook--ha! Other than staying busy with work and all three of us fighting sinus and ear infections all month, January 2006 was quite nice!
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