Happy Easter friends!
We had a wonderful Easter weekend. Spencer and I spent Friday night goofing off in Chapel Hill, shopping and having fun. Saturday, we dyed eggs and had dinner and movies with the family.
Sunday, the Easter Bunny accidentally left a lame Easter Basket. Spencer was mildly disappointed that the Easter Bunny did not realize that he already had the Thomas the Tank Engine cars and the dinosaur toys that were left. The gift card to GameStop and the new bird house were hits at least. The Easter Bunny needs to pay attention....
After church, we went to Mom and Dad's for our traditional Easter Egg hunt. We are the only family who has a full contact egg hunt. The smack talk, the bashing, the tripping, the shoving, the tackling, the egg tossing, the full hip checking into the bushes....it's not for the weak or the meek. An it's not about the $$$--it's all about the bragging rights.
Spencer had on his "lucky" boxers and made a special T-shirt with Team Alderin on the front and Team Wright as the losers on the back.
For as long as the tradition has been around, Team Alderin has NEVER lost....until this year. It's Obama's fault. All this "Change" has trickled down to our egg hunt.
Mom and Dad hid 77 eggs in their front yard.
I found 20 eggs ($21.00 and 2 lotto tickets)
Spencer found 16 eggs ($23.00 and 1 lotto ticket)
Jimmy found 17 eggs ($23.00 and 5 lotto tickets)
Melissa found 15 eggs ($31.00--good thing she found that $20.00 bonus, huh?-- and 7 lotto tickets)
IV found 9 eggs ($21.00)
Team Alderin found a combined 36 eggs and Team Wright found 41 eggs-- not too bad for two vs. three, right?
Well, not really. We found less money. Even though I found more eggs, I found less money!Not counting Lotto tickets, Alderin got $44 and Wright got $75. But notice in the pictures, Mom still hides the giant "special" eggs for Melissa since she is "egg challenged." Since the heifer actually won this year, she doesn't get special treatment any more! Even playing field from now on!
The lotto tickets are for Wednesday, April 15. The only solace I could get from losing to my brother would be to hit the lotto on Wednesday. And oh yeah, I would do the "suck it" dance all the way to the lotto office with my Easter egg basket on my head and my Team Alderin shirt updated to read, "Don't call it a comeback....."
But yeah, the likelihood of hitting the lotto is pretty slim. We should just gear up for Team Alderin in 2010!