Friday night was the boys' baseball team party at the local summer league park, then a gang of us went out for dinner. Saturday night, the same gang of us went for dinner....and then bowling. Yes bowling. If you haven't been bowling in a while, trust me; it is NOTHING like Wii bowling. Between all of us, we have 7 boys -- no daughters. And after seeing the parade of hoochies filing into the bowling alley as we were leaving, we decided we are all glad we do NOT have daughters!
Check out the picture in the top right corner--IV is the only person I know that can get a gutter ball WITH the bumpers up!

Sunday night, we had the little league year end party at the Batting Center. The kids had a GREAT time and Spencer decided that this is where he wants his birthday party this year. We had pizza, snacks, cake, ice cream, cookies, sodas and unlimited tokens to the pitching machines. Mid way through the party some of the parents gave it a whirl, too. I hadn't held a bat in who knows how many years, but after the first four pitches it was addictive. We spent the rest of the evening standing in line with the kids! Between the bowling and the approximately 120 swings in the cage--I have a blister on my thumb- but had a fantastic weekend with my kiddo.

Check out the trophies the kids received. They got the normal generic trophies from the YMCA plus the coaches got each kid a big trophy, engraved with name, team record, etc. The trophy holds a baseball--which the coaches had each teammate autograph the balls. The head coach and his wife also gave color prints of a team picture and action shots they had taken throughout the season. This was by far the best group of coaches and parents we have met!