Gotta love a three day weekend! I had a wonderfully relaxing weekend. Poor Toby worked all weekend, but Spencer and I had fun! We shopped, played in the pool, scrapbooked and grilled out with friends and family. I finished my scrapbook from my Atlanta vacation (YAY!) and I organized my pictures.
On a sad note, my best friend's husband (Joey) was in an accident at work this past week and broke his hip, pelvic, and shoulder. He is still in ICU, has had hours and hours of surgery and is facing more surgery. He is on a ventilator and could use some extra thoughts and prayers. If you are reading this, please say a prayer for Joey Reynolds in Richmond, VA.
Well, Toby and I have been talking non-stop about the finale of LOST. Spencer is TOTALLY psyched about the CARS movie coming out. We saw Over The Hedge with him this past weekend. He really enjoyed it, but all he keeps talking about is CARS!!!!
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Congratulations Spencer!

Spencer graduated from preschool today! With a cute little ceremony and an adorable cap and gown, my little guy went from preschooler to a young man getting ready for Kindergarten!
After graduation, we had some friends over at Nana and Boppa's for a Luau themed party/cookout/pool party to continue celebrating! Spencer received many nice gifts and really enjoyed all the attention. We combined Spencer's graduation party and Mom's birthday party--what a blast!
Thanks to all of our friends and family for making this day special!
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Toby and I just got back from vacation! It was wonderful -- despite a nasty little stomach virus that decided to show up!!! The drive was easy, with very little traffic. We stopped at a few of the outlets and shopped some- which was very nice! We spent the night in Greenville, SC and ate at our favorite restaurant (California Dreaming) and then we drove into Atlanta. We spent too much, ate too much and had a blast-- but isn't that what vacations are all about? Our first full day was all about Toby. Sports shopping, Sports clubs and the Braves game. We found an awesome Sports Collectibles store where Toby found the perfect Michael Jordan UNC Last Shot framed picture--Cha-Ching! Instant Father's Day Gift! Then we went to another sports store and loaded up on souvenirs for the family and even some bigger ticket items for Christmas gifts. (Yep! I'm starting my shopping early this year!) After shopping we went to Jocks and Jills for fattening sports themed chow (wings, tater skins, chicken fingers, buffalo chicken sandwiches, rich desserts, etc!) Then we were off to Turner Field for the Braves game! This was our first time to Turner Field and we were really impressed. There were restaurants, shopping, museums, activities and play areas for the kids on site. We found our seats--which were awesome by the way-- and got settled in just in time for the game. The seats had a great view but were under the overhang just in case it started to rain we would be protected--awesome! Toby LOVES (and I do mean LOVES) ballpark food but

Okay-- I'll fast forward through the next twelve hours of sickness--let's just say we didn't do anything we planned to tour and we were sick sick sick. But that's okay--the rest of the vacation was awesome. We went to our matinee performance of Wicked at the fabulous Fox Theatre. The Fox is BEAUTIFUL by the way!!! Wicked was awesome! It is one of those productions that is well written, with awesome effects, awesome stage design, EVERYTHING was PERFECT!!! We were mesmerized! I would love to see it again! After the production, we drove to midtown, had a light snack at Borders and then we went on to Spa Sydell for our Couples Massage--which was the most relaxing hour of our entire vacation. After the massage we went to a local beer garden for hors d'oevres and drinks and then back to the Wyndham. The next day we shopped our way back home and arrived home in time to bring in dinner (big salads from California Dreaming, of course) for everyone and give Spencer big hugs and kisses!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Happy Mother's Day

What a nice Mother's Day! Spencer gave me beautiful flowers and a pin he made at preschool. It says #1 Mom --see it in the picture? Toby gave me a book, my favorite wine and a corsage. The entire family met for dinner at Macaroni Grill and then we went back to Jimmy's and watched the hockey game. What a nice, relaxing day!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Did you miss me?
I haven't been in cyber world in a few days. I have been slaving away at work and the motherboard fried in my home pc. After my business trip and a quick purchase at Circuit City (nope--I didn't get a new computer at RadioShack!!!) I am back online!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Arthur Itis plays 3rd base for the Y?
Oh snap! I laughed my rump off tonight! Toby and Jimmy are playing softball for a YMCA league. It is made up of 25-49 year olds-- most of which are in their early 30's. You should see these guys get ready to go on the field!!! I have NEVER seen so much icy hot, ibuprofen, wraps, braces, packs, splints, supports and bandages in one place in my life! I bet the special olympics and Jerry's Kids combined have less medical equipment than these "athletes." The team that played after our team showed up an hour early *just* to start putting on all their supports and braces! We watched a poor guy wiggle, squirm and eventually pour himself into a hamstring support-- which by the way looks like my granny's old thigh girdle!
Everything about this entire evening was silly. I think I laughed the hardest when one guy walks up to another guy and says "Hey man! I guess you have big party plans for tomorrow with it being cinco de mayo and all!?" and the other guy looks right at him and says, "FOR THE LAST TIME! I'M CUBAN-NOT MEXICAN!!!!"
Everything about this entire evening was silly. I think I laughed the hardest when one guy walks up to another guy and says "Hey man! I guess you have big party plans for tomorrow with it being cinco de mayo and all!?" and the other guy looks right at him and says, "FOR THE LAST TIME! I'M CUBAN-NOT MEXICAN!!!!"
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
An update from Toby
An update from Toby: Tom and I took Spencer to the driving range tonight. Spencer hit two large buckets of balls without even flinching while Daddy could only hit only 1/2 a bucket before his back gave out. Spencer would line up the balls and hit them back to back. Spencer enjoyed placing the balls in the divots and trying to hit out of the holes. Uncle Tommy hit 1/2 bucket before Spencer took over and nailed the rest! Afterwards, Spencer wanted to go home and hit some more-ha! Daddy was tired!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Can I brag a little?
Spencer aced his Kindergarten assessment! He got a perfect score! Toby and I are so proud. His awesome score validates that he is ready for Kindergarten but I am still so scared for him to face all the big boy decisions that going to school will bring. (Or am I just scared because my "baby" is growing up?)
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