We spent today in Chapel Hill. Spencer had a Carolina Kids Club event so we made an entire day of it. We got down there in time for T

oby to have his Big Bird Omelet at Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe. I swear he salivated during the entire drive! The last couple of times we have gone, Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe has been closed (it's just a breakfast/brunch joint) or they had sold out of his favorite omelet. But not today! We had a BIG OL' Breakfast! and little Mr. Spencer ordered himself a cup of decaf!!!??? What is up with that? The waitress looked at us for approval and we went ahead and let him have it. If it is decaf, then I guess it is not too bad, right? Just kind of shocked us. Most kindergartners drink chocolate milk....
After breakfast, we went shopping on Franklin Street. Toby found himself several Valentine's presents, of course. Spencer got two long sleeved T-shirts, a sweatshirt, a backpack and a pennant. We put one of his new shirts and the sweatshirt on him immediately because the little goofball had dribbled coffee down him at breakfast. (I think he gets that after my dad!)
After shopping we went to Carmichael Auditorium for the Kids Club Event. This event was sponsored by the Women's Gymnastics team and the meet was a competition with 4 other universities. Lunch was catered by Firehouse Subs. During the meet, the sponsors threw Tshirts out into the crowd and Spencer caught one! It is way too big--but he is sleeping in it right now and he is so proud of himself for catching it! Spencer also received a Sharpie marker, poster, window cling, stickers, and program. After the meet (Carolina won by the way!!!) Spencer met the team and had his poster autographed by each of the gymnasts. Then he got to play on the mats and equipment. The springy floor really amazed him. His had a great time jumping into the big mats and walking on the balance beam.
After the meet, we went to Mama Dips for dinner. I have her cookbook and there were so many things I wanted to try! We ended up ordering sampler plates and tried the following: fried chicken, ribs, sweet potato fries, brunswick stew, bbq, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, pintos, limas, and an assortment of sweet potato biscuits, rolls and corn bread. We brought home a ton of leftovers (the dog was thrilled) and Toby got blackberry cobbler to go.
Spencer slept all the way home. We got in right at 8:00-- just in time to put Spencer in bed and call it a weekend!