There have been some fierce battles the past couple of days over what I will allow the puppy to eat/chew on and what I will not. I am pretty sure that they do NOT make "cat-turd-stolen-from-the-litter-box" flavored dog treats for a reason. I have had to baby proof the house all over again: Trash can locks/doors closed/toilet lids down, cabinet locks....
He may look adorable but little Bowser is a beast! He has had more baths and mouth washings in the past few days than most dogs get in a lifetime. Bowser was a rescue/re-homed puppy and it always breaks my heart to think of all the pets needing homes; however, today after Bowser had another round of disgusting antics, I totally understand why his little arse was up for adoption. Tell me he will grow out of this phase!
Oh my gawd. I'm feeling for ya Cass.
I feel for you. DH is dying for a dog, and he's already trying to get Ashlyn on his side. Thankfully, our house is too small right now.
i hate the new puppy stage....this is the reason cookie is an outside dog
He will grow out of it, BUT puppydom lasts for about 2 years even though they look like a big dog, they are still a toddler.
I have still not figured out a way to keep my GROWN ASS DOGS from eating snausages from the litter box. Ew. Sooo ew. If you figure out a great trick, let me know.
He'll grow out of all the other stuff. Toddlers do, after all...right? lol!
btw...just wanted to add...the upside is you don't have to clean the catbox as often, right?
(Love the Dumb and Dumber reference! lmao!)
no clue if he will outgrow it. a large cage sounds good.
well I know when we got Cody. He ate his own turds and that was disguisting enough. I talked to the breader about it. She told me when I caught him doing it to take scrauf (sp) of the neck like his mom would do and shake him. It did work but is took a few times before he got it. Good luck!!
Patti...I don't think I could lift Patches by the scruff of her neck at this point. lol! But that's good info to know.
Cassandra....I just keep coming back to see Jim Carey gagging. It makes me giggle. lol!
Oh my! I'm so glad we didn't get a puppy!!!
UGH GAG!!!! The video clip is enough to make me barf... then reading the post.... GAG!!!
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