Friday, October 27, 2006
Sick House
Field Trip

Toby and I both took a long lunch break and accompanied Spencer's class on their first field trip: a tour of the local fire station and to the pumpkin patch. I tell ya-- I don't know how his teachers do it every day! It was like a 3 ring circus! But it was nice to meet some of the kids in Spencer's class. He seems well adjusted and liked by his little friends and "Gracie" seems to get alot of his attention!!! ahem!
Punkin Chunkin

We had our annual Pumpkin Carving party! The kids made bloodshot eyeball cookies (decorated sugar cookies), I made peanut butter, toffee chip chocolate cookies and my brother made chicken fajitas for the crowd. Dinner was yummy and munching on cookies while we carved our pumpkins was fun!


Check out Spencer and IV in the little boys choir at church-- They sang "Step, Step, Step" and "Jesus Cares for Me" It was so funny watching them-- IV was commander of the stage but Spencer was shy and played with his shirt the entire time!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Bulldogs and Surgery

Spencer reigned as BULLDOG OF THE WEEK this past week in his kindergarten class! We are so proud of him! He was selected because he is a good student, citizen and friend. He got a commemorative cup and little shoelace embellishments to wear to school. I tried to get him to give me the shoelace things for my scrapbook, but he insisted on wearing them-ha!

Toby had surgery on Friday to correct the TMJ they think is causing his migraines. He has a significant amount of damage and infection in his jaw. The first step was an oral surgery to remove his wisdom teeth and help move out some of the inflammation. As you can see, all the pets surround whomever is ill in our house. The pets think they have healing powers or something weird.... Anyway, Toby is resting and healing up this weekend!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Black Mountain

Monday, October 09, 2006
Dixie Classic Fair
I forgot to update my blog about our trip to the fair last week!! Spencer and I went to the fair with Jimmy, Melissa and IV. We bought the all-you-can ride wrist band this year so w

Sunday, October 08, 2006
What's big, blue and toots?

Today was our Day Out with Thomas! Spencer and IV had so much fun. Boppa's sinus infection was bad so he stayed home but the rest of us went to Spencer, NC to the NC Transportation Museum and had a day full of Thomas, Percy, James, Sir Topam Hat and the crew. We had our ride on Thomas, we road on the roundhouse, did arts and crafts, had "fun foods" at the outdoor fair, had pictures made, toured the museum and, of course, went to the gift shop. The ride on Thomas was 17 minutes long and our 7 tickets were $133.00!! Isn't that crazy? (By the way-- thanks to Nana for buying us tickets and planning an awesome family day!) Spencer got 4 new cars for his Thomas sets, two Tshirts and gloves. I asked him what his favorite parts of our day was and he said (1) riding on Thomas (2) getting new toys and (3) his picnic lunch at the roundhouse.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Congratulations Lydia and Bryan!

We went to Virginia last weekend for Lydia and Bryan's wedding and had a fantastic time. It was a beautiful ceremony and an awesome party! Nothing beats getting together with friends, family, good food and an open bar!
Just a side story here.....The ceremony was outside and we sat on stadium style risers. On a couple of rows in front of us, a guy was moving his hands in a rather rythmic fashion and I thought, "Cool! Lydia has someone signing her ceremony!" Then I noticed he was facing the wedding party--and still signing away with great energy. As I was trying to figure out who was deaf and watching the guy sign, I saw the poor guy sit up a little and lean to the side...and continue to fan two yellow jackets away. Geesh! He wasn't signing--but was being bullied by two Brown's Island Bees!!!
We turned the entire weekend into a mini vacation. We did some power shopping at the outlets, we toured the Edgar Allen Poe museum (and Spencer squaked 'Nevermore' for the next three days) and we toured the Science Musuem. Spencer and IV got a big kick out of the Grossology exhibit! Anything about burps, farts and stinky smells just crack up 4 and 5 year old boys. IV loved the tapeworm slide and Spencer enjoyed moving the balls through the cow's stomachs to create methane..and well you know what that means...
We completed the weekend by getting home in time to celebrate Jimmy's 30th birthday with dinner out at his favorite Italian restaurant!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Weird things tag
These are the rules:List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets.
Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people.
1) I am compulsive about handwipes and brushing my teeth.
2) My cat, Norm, can not meow.
3) I had my tonsils removed. And they grew back.
4) My last 4 new cars have been silver.
5) I can't digest lettuce.
I tag: (I'm not sure who hasn't been tagged?! Leave me a comment if you accept this tag!)