Friday, June 06, 2008

Oh what a difference one little letter can make

Today is Spencer's last day of 1st grade. All of his writing journals, artwork, etc. were sent home yesterday. My poor kid... he spells phonetically, which is okay, but sometimes he misses a letter.

If you are familiar with SpongeBob Squarepants, you will recognize this picture as Plankton going to the Chum Bucket. But Bucket is spelled wrong...oh, and he left the very important "H" out of Chum......sigh.....

What's worse is that the next page was about a flag. But he forgot the "L"....I really hope his teachers have a sense of humor; if not, they were probably shocked and offended on a regular basis.

Note to self: work on spelling with Spencer over the summer !!!!


Anonymous said...


Too funny Cass! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

ROFL I am cracking up!!!

Amy said...

This is hilarious.

Kim said...

OMG--soooo funny. I am sure the teachers have seen worse. When my mom worked as a TA, she said the most often misspelled word was "sheet"--often misspelled as "shit". One journal entry she actually copied and sent to me because it was so funny was from a little 7 year old, complaining about her nightly math homework sheet. She wrote--"I hate this math shit". Too funny.

Deanna said...

omg! lmFao!!!

Always Faith said...

Yikes....the things kids do and say and write in innocence...LOL!!!!

Nancyroo said...


Robyn said...

I'm sorry but even the drawing with the spelling is even funnier. Or am I just naughty.

Leslie said...

The drawing is too funny. The little guy headed to the bucket looks so happy. LOL Guess he's got a plan . . .

Leslie said...

that's hilarious! I think I would have had the bug eyes response at first being the teacher but would've laughed it off. Too cute.

Leslie said...
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Patti H said...

LOL thanks for the good chuckle! You have your work cut out for you this summer!! LOL

Paula... said...

OMG Kim I've got a 13yo who regularly says that *sigh*

Seriously this is just too cute - I often look back on some of the girls early school work and have a chuckle to myself :)

Anonymous said...

I love visiting your blog.....I usually always get a good laugh. :)

Stacy said...

That is the funniest friggin thing ever! lol Cum bucitt! I hope you save that one and give it to him at his wedding lol

Cheri Pryor said...

OMG!!! Boy am I glad I visited you tonight!

And you plan on scrapping that?