Thursday, July 03, 2008

Feeding Strays

Have I ever told you about the stray I feed? I have been feeding a wild cat for 10 years that I have never even petted. I call her Angel-- only because she is mean as hell. What are the chances that a feral cat would survive for over 10 years outside? I can't get any where near her and when I try, she hisses. But she is more than happy to accept food from me--as long as I am not near the food.

About a mile from us, there is a beautiful cat at an abandoned farm house. Spencer and I stop each day to make sure it has food and water. At least this one will let me pet it. Stupid Angel has seen me leave food for her for over 10 years and is still terrified of me!

And now a family of slugs have moved in. Big, fat slimy slugs come up on the porch every night and eat cat food. There are 5 of them-- yuck. But I guess they need food, too. I had no idea they liked cat food so much!


Kim said...

OK, I want to file a complaint. I come to your blog to be entertained (or complimented, when I do something nice for you-LOL). I do NOT come here to see gross pictures of iccky slugs.

Georgina said...

awww thats so nice of you looking after the cats

Robyn said...

ew slugs, but that is a great photo.

Patti H said...

ewwww that is as bad as CheriPryor User name CheriPryor's snake photo! YUCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let Spencer put salt on the slugs to watch them shrink!

Cheri Pryor said...

OMG!!! I have a slug-fest photo from about 3 years ago. I wish I could find it cuz' I would post it and give Patti H even bigger heebie-jeebies!! There were (I kid you not) so many slugs in the cat food dish that you couldn't see the cat food! lol!!!