Monday, July 07, 2008

He really (past tense verb) it!

I introduced Spencer to MadLibs today. He doesn't know the parts of speech yet (adjective, noun, verb, etc.) so MadLibs is a GREAT way of teaching him. We did a couple of fun stories-- you know my kid had toilet humor in there. He cracked himself up! He was laying over, holding his ribs, laughing as I read the story back to him with all of his silly contributions. He can't wait to do more! I know how I will be spending my (expletive) Barnes & Nobles gift card now.


Kim said...

How fun! And these ARE a great way to learn. I remember my favorite elementary school teacher using these to teach us about adjectives, nouns, etc. We had the best time. Don't you love that at least SOME of the things we did at his age have survived?

Cheri Pryor said...

I love mad libs!! I think we should have some in TX after we have a few margaritas....or shots....or whatever is your flavor! I don't think you will be able to take them home to show Spencer, though. Just sayin'.

lydia eve said...


I need to go out and buy some now.

Patti H said...

I think you need to share a few of those with us Cassandra!

Robyn said...

I used to love mad libs, isn't it their anniversary or something?