- Traffic in front of an elementary school is as bad as a rock concert! We need to adjust our leave time 15 minutes sooner!
- Getting up an hour earlier than you are used to is rough!
- It's really cool to have a new CARS backpack and lunchbox!
- Teachers aren't even phased when they have 5 children that don't speak English!
- Teachers are VERY grateful when you bring lots of extra supplies.
- Even though you spend hundreds of dollars on nice, new school clothes, your child will insist on wearing the $3 clearance Dino T-shirt on the first day.
- When they teach your son a new song about a dog named RAGS, he will sing it over and over all evening.
- Spencer's biggest thrill was buying chocolate milk at snack, going to PE class and giving Nana and Boppa a tour of his classroom after school today.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
1st day of Kindergarten!
Today was Spencer's first day of Kindergarten! I think we ALL learned something today....
Peer to Peer rocks!
My brother is the king of mp3 files. Okay maybe not the king-- maybe the court jester. We stayed up half the night last night sharing mp3 files, loading up the Ipods for upcoming vacation! It was fun reminiscing through 80s tunes, making fun of songs and finding new favorites!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Car Shopping
Mom and Dad got a new Honda Pilot yesterday. Jimmy and Melissa got a new Honda Odyssey Friday. Now we have the new car bug..... Toby wants a hybrid but I'm worried about the "newness" of this technology. But the bonus and tax credits are quite an incentive....
But, I test drove the CR-V yesterday and loved it! Maybe I will go out and try something else tonight just to compare...
But, I test drove the CR-V yesterday and loved it! Maybe I will go out and try something else tonight just to compare...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
End of Summer challenge
I received this blog challenge from my friend, Oscar:
Challenge: Since summer is coming to a close soon..Answer this list of questions about your 2006 summer.
1. What was your favorite summer event? This summer has flown by! We have done lots of fun things (trips, visits, games, outings and goofing off) but I think the best moments have been surrounding ourselves with good friends around the pool and cooking out and mixing drinks-- just total relaxation!
2. Favorite picture of the summer? I love my summer pics of my little guy playing ball and the pool pictures!
3. Favorite movie of the summer?Probably Cars-- it doesn't take much to amuse us!
4. Best song of the summer? Buckcherry's Crazy Bitch
5. Did you go on vacation, where? We went to DisneyWorld this spring, we went to Virginia several times to visit Family, we are going to Myrtle Beach in a couple of weeks, I did several scrapbooking events (crops, conventions, retreats), We had a great trip to Atlanta to see Wicked, The Braves and shopping. Oh! and my birthday Romanza package at the Oh Henry was pretty sweet!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Mystic Force

Legend says that when Darkness arises, the chosen will embark on magical adventures, befriend mystical dragons, encounter evil and transform into the Power Rangers Mystic Force.
My little, red Power Ranger's journey began tonight with an inspiring Halloween costume choice at the Disney store. He has two months to wait....but he will be ready to Trick or Treat and fight the bad guys!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Random Blog
It has been a few days since I blogged--so this will probably be a pretty random entry.
First of all, my Uncle Jim passed away. I went to his memorial on Monday. I'm glad he is no longer in pain and battling cancer. But I hate that my aunt lost her soulmate and my cousins lost a fantastic Dad. I hate that he worked hard all his life and then died so soon after he retired.
Despite the reason for the trip, I really enjoyed seeing the family. It's a shame that we only see everyone at funerals. My cousin is getting married next month and I'm looking forward to the family coming together during a happy occassion.
Toby is in Las Vegas on a business trip. Before his flight out, he was all "I wish you could come with me, I'm gonna hate this trip, blah blah blah" Then once his big, stinkin' feet hit the Vegas strip his phone calls have been all "WooHoo! Having a blast--gotta go honey!" Hmmmpf!
As a funny side note... When I took him to the airport, I was giving him my cash since he had forgotten to stop at an ATM and I made a point to dig out extra singles for him -- I was thinking for tipping at the hotel and quick purchases in the airport, etc. He sat there and grinned like a bandit and said, "Do you realize that I'm going to Vegas and you're making sure I have plenty of singles???? What a wife!!!" Ugh!!! Hoochie Coochie capital of the US and I load my man up with ones--where was my brain? (in my defense, I drove him to the airport at 4am and I had gone to bed at 2:30 am!!!)
I went back to the doctor today. I will not need the second surgery for the kidney stones--Yay!! (but I have 4 other appointments to follow up on a minor complication...but that's typical for me. never a dull medical moment in my world.) Anyway... when I was in the waiting room, a little old lady was yelling at a little old man--obviously her husband of many years. It was such a lively little spat that I couldn't help over hearing. It seems that the little old man started the dishwasher and they didn't have any detergent so he used.......shampoo!!! Now their floor is covered in suds and they had to leave for his doctor's appointment and they were arguing over who should clean up the mess when they get home. He blames her for not having dish detergent for him to use. She thinks that anyone with half a brain would just wait and run the dishwasher AFTER she went to the store and picked more up. He was determined that it wasn't his fault. It was hilarious! When I left she was still yelling at him and he told her to pick up paper plates and plastic forks and it wouldn't be an issue. Pffhhhhht!
I loaded an additional 97 songs to my Ipod tonight. I got on an 80's kick tonight-- gotta love some Hair Metal! Speaking of Hair Metal-- we got crappy seats to the Motley Crue/Aerosmith concert. But I'm sure we will make the best of it.
By the way-- if you're reading this and you know Donna A. --her parents were hit head-on by a drunk driver this weekend. They are still in ICU and could use some prayers!
I went to a scrapbooking retreat this past weekend with my Mom and Melissa at www.scrapnthecarolinas.com. It was awesome! I finished my Disney Album!!! Pam had a company there to emboss our albums. I had my wedding album, Disney album and Spencer's baby album embossed. Mel and Vera (our CM reps) came and did make and takes and had fantastic deals for everyone, too! We had a blast, as usual and I can't wait for our next retreat in October!
First of all, my Uncle Jim passed away. I went to his memorial on Monday. I'm glad he is no longer in pain and battling cancer. But I hate that my aunt lost her soulmate and my cousins lost a fantastic Dad. I hate that he worked hard all his life and then died so soon after he retired.
Despite the reason for the trip, I really enjoyed seeing the family. It's a shame that we only see everyone at funerals. My cousin is getting married next month and I'm looking forward to the family coming together during a happy occassion.
Toby is in Las Vegas on a business trip. Before his flight out, he was all "I wish you could come with me, I'm gonna hate this trip, blah blah blah" Then once his big, stinkin' feet hit the Vegas strip his phone calls have been all "WooHoo! Having a blast--gotta go honey!" Hmmmpf!
As a funny side note... When I took him to the airport, I was giving him my cash since he had forgotten to stop at an ATM and I made a point to dig out extra singles for him -- I was thinking for tipping at the hotel and quick purchases in the airport, etc. He sat there and grinned like a bandit and said, "Do you realize that I'm going to Vegas and you're making sure I have plenty of singles???? What a wife!!!" Ugh!!! Hoochie Coochie capital of the US and I load my man up with ones--where was my brain? (in my defense, I drove him to the airport at 4am and I had gone to bed at 2:30 am!!!)
I went back to the doctor today. I will not need the second surgery for the kidney stones--Yay!! (but I have 4 other appointments to follow up on a minor complication...but that's typical for me. never a dull medical moment in my world.) Anyway... when I was in the waiting room, a little old lady was yelling at a little old man--obviously her husband of many years. It was such a lively little spat that I couldn't help over hearing. It seems that the little old man started the dishwasher and they didn't have any detergent so he used.......shampoo!!! Now their floor is covered in suds and they had to leave for his doctor's appointment and they were arguing over who should clean up the mess when they get home. He blames her for not having dish detergent for him to use. She thinks that anyone with half a brain would just wait and run the dishwasher AFTER she went to the store and picked more up. He was determined that it wasn't his fault. It was hilarious! When I left she was still yelling at him and he told her to pick up paper plates and plastic forks and it wouldn't be an issue. Pffhhhhht!
I loaded an additional 97 songs to my Ipod tonight. I got on an 80's kick tonight-- gotta love some Hair Metal! Speaking of Hair Metal-- we got crappy seats to the Motley Crue/Aerosmith concert. But I'm sure we will make the best of it.
By the way-- if you're reading this and you know Donna A. --her parents were hit head-on by a drunk driver this weekend. They are still in ICU and could use some prayers!
I went to a scrapbooking retreat this past weekend with my Mom and Melissa at www.scrapnthecarolinas.com. It was awesome! I finished my Disney Album!!! Pam had a company there to emboss our albums. I had my wedding album, Disney album and Spencer's baby album embossed. Mel and Vera (our CM reps) came and did make and takes and had fantastic deals for everyone, too! We had a blast, as usual and I can't wait for our next retreat in October!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wibbly Wobbly Gone!

9 days after Spencer lost his 1st tooth, he lost his second tooth! And when I say "lost" I don't mean it *just* came out... I mean IT IS GONE! We were out to eat with The Halls (Happy 40th B-day Mike!) and Spencer was eating salad and bread and the next thing we know, the tooth is GONE! I think he swallowed it but Spencer is ADAMANT that he did not. He won't even entertain the idea that he *might* have swallowed it! I think this is because my brother has told Spencer that if he swallows his loose tooth that it will bite his hiney on the way out.... ugh!!!!!
We looked everywhere but couldn't find it. The waitress wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy explaining that the lost tooth might be somewhere at the restaurant. That way the Tooth Fairy can get the tooth from there and still leave Spencer some $$ under his pillow!
The Tooth Fairy was very understanding. She left $3.50, an encouraging note and a funny Missing/Reward poster.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Today at church, I saw two kids playing hangman. I haven't played hangman in years but I nearly giggled out loud remembering all the games my brother and I played. Hangman was not only a game of vocabulary skill-- it was the ultimate in mockery! Oh yeah...when we would draw our hangman, the bodies were fat and bloated, the eyes were crossed, the nose had boogers, the mouth had pumpkin teeth, etc. Yep, it was funny to draw each other-- no simple stickman for us!
OOOOH! and Dots! Did you ever play dots? You know, the page of dots and you take turns connecting them and claim squares. III and I played a mean game of dots growing up!
We played normal board games, too. And UNO!!! But my brother always cheated....That Draw 4 card would appear from beneath his leg and he would SWEAR he had just drawn it-- what a goober.
Now that we are older, we play Rook. Toby and III against me and Melissa. And by the way, III still cheats--haha!
OOOOH! and Dots! Did you ever play dots? You know, the page of dots and you take turns connecting them and claim squares. III and I played a mean game of dots growing up!
We played normal board games, too. And UNO!!! But my brother always cheated....That Draw 4 card would appear from beneath his leg and he would SWEAR he had just drawn it-- what a goober.
Now that we are older, we play Rook. Toby and III against me and Melissa. And by the way, III still cheats--haha!
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Tooth Fairy is coming to our house!

Spencer lost his first baby tooth tonight!!! We were at Creekside Park at Toby's softball game and the little tooth was hanging down by the end of the game. It has been wibbly-wobbly for the past couple of weeks and tonight it was literally hanging from one little, tiny shred. He barely had to tug it and it cleanly came out. He couldn't wait to go to Nana and Boppa's and show them his tooth!!!
He has his tooth in a little Carolina Blue (of course) pouch and is waiting for the Tooth Fairy to bring him some "pocket dollars." I asked him what he is going to do with the money the Tooth Fairy brings and he is going to save it for when we go to the beach in a few weeks. Such a practical little guy!
What a weekend!

What a weekend! Mom and I went to the Creating Keepsakes Convention in Charlotte on Friday and Saturday. We really enjoyed our classes and had a great time shopping at the vendor faire. Unfortunately, I had "kidney stone" issues on Saturday and came home a little early on Saturday-- but overall, we had fun! I met my first ScrapJazzer this weekend-- Faith! She is so much fun- I wish we would have had to more time to chat!
Toby played in a softball tournament this weekend. His team didn't do that well and he has slide burns up and down his legs but he said he had fun. He also got into a nest of yellow jackets while mowing the yard and was stung 7 times so I guess in comparison playing softball in the heat was fun, huh?
Sunday, we had a few friends over for a cookout/pool party. The kids had a blast and of course, cookout food and cold drinks by the pool are always nice!!!
Today, I went back to the doctor. I still have a few kidney stones to pass. He gave me more pain pills, told me to drink tons of water and gave me two more weeks to pass them. If not, I have to have another surgery(lithotripsy) to break them up. UGH!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Casual date night

We could not think of anything we wanted to do for our anniversary. We did the luxury hotel night out thing a few weeks ago at my birthday; we are going to the beach in a few weeks, we couldn't think of any restaurants we wanted to try...so we decided to have a quiet, relaxing evening at home. I made us some of our favorite goodies, we rented a funny movie and we just enjoyed a stress-free evening! Spencer stayed the night with my parents--- but before he left he put a big dent in the fruit/cheese/goodie tray I was making!!!!
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