Sunday, September 09, 2007

Carolina Kids Club Day: Women's Soccer

We had an AWESOME day at the Carolina Kid's club! We started off with a good breakfast and made an entire day full of events, shopping and fun! It was HOT HOT HOT at the game--even with coats of SPF 50, we all got too much sun! But Carolina beat Yale 4-0 and the players were in a fantastic mood for the meet and greet/autograph session after the game. I think IV met his match with the all the "flirts"-- I have never seen him so shy! The kids club had pizza, drinks, Coldstone Creamery icecream, water bottles, posters, etc. for the kids.

Spencer had an awesome time shopping for new stuff for his room. We are redoing his room from a Looney Tunes theme to a Carolina theme. We found all kinds of treasures today!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

you'll have to post before and after pics if you can of the bedroom!