Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Warning: Whiney Post!

Yesterday was not fun. Let's just say if you ever go to the Urologist and they tell you that they need to stretch your urethra-- there is pain and blood and more pain involved. JUST SAY NO!! Just piss out your ear or something for the rest of your life-- UGH! I can't move without whimpering. I can't cross my legs. I can't pee without screaming!!!

I also have a kidney stone. It is too big to pass so I will have surgery on July 17. I don't know much about Lithotripsy so I guess I need to read up, eh?


Nancyroo said...

oh, no! hope you feel better soon!

Jennifer Sizemore said...

Oh, no - that sounds horrid! Good luck with the surgery - hope it is not as painful!

kristin said...

ouch! I'm so sorry! I already pm'd you about the litho, but if you need more info just lemme know :) Good luck!

Oscar T. Grouch said...

OMG OUCH. I had that done as a little kid. OWE