Monday, April 28, 2008

5 Alive!

All 5 of our butterflies came out of their cocoons! Spencer put some fresh food on some azalea blossoms for them. They are weak and small-- but beautiful! We should be able to release them in the next day or two!


Kim said...

That is SO cool- but they need to warn you about the blood. Being a marketer, I understand why they don't, but sheesh.
Still really neat, though. Can't wait to see the pictures of the release day!

AshleyS said...

WOW! that is so cool!

Neen and Mike said...

Loved your 6 words :)
The butterflies are a little weird though... I didn't know they even had blood... just like goo...

Robyn said...

That is awesome. I was so tempted to buy something similar the other day thanks to you. I did resist for the time being, but it is so cool.

Paula... said...

Totally fascinating - but man there is a lot of blood in there eeewww!