Thursday, May 01, 2008

We need to set him straight!

After we read books, as part of our nightly routine, Spencer and I say a prayer. At the end of our prayer we say what we are thankful for and we ask for special blessings for people when needed. Tonight, during our prayer, I said to bless Dean, Kim's boss, who is struggling with complications following surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Spencer stopped mid-prayer and said "Kim's Boss?" I said, "Uh-huh" slight pause...then he blurts out "I didn't even know she was married!!!"

I quickly ended the prayer and PROMPTLY explained the difference between boss and spouse. I think a few of my Dad's "jokes" distorted my little guy's view-- Nana is gonna have to lay down the law over there!


Kim said...


How in the WORLD would Spencer ever think that watching his nana in action?? LOL

Yeah, we need to work on this one.

Patti H said...

LOL now that is too funny! Boss = Husband? LOL Funny though some men think they are the boss and some wives let them THINK they are the boss? LOL

Anonymous said...

Now that really cracked me up! Yep your mom will have to fix that lol

Cheri Pryor said...

My husband likes to *think* he is the boss...does that count? lol! I think you are safe as long as dad doesn't start telling jokes about Farmer's daughters or men from Nantucket...

Robyn said...


Paula... said...

Oh man - no one ever told me the difference *sheesh* just goes to show how much of a little mushroom I am. Seriously though, that is cute, but yup best to set him straight LOL